Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Political Corruption in "An Ideal Husband"

The Victorian Era formally begins in 1837, the same year as Victoria became Queen, and ends in 1901, a time when Britain was the most powerful nation in the world. Not only because of the large-scale expansion of British imperial power, but also the decereasing of corruption numbers due to previous period, Georgian Era. During the 18th century, Parliament was very crooked, with seats being sold openly. This is because at that time, politics was so popular that a lot of politicians do not mind to do corruption to aim for higher position. This is related to the ideal of Victorians which is man should have certain characteristics such as honor, loyalty, intelligence, moral uprightness, and have a good income.
An Ideal Husband premiered in London, England, on January 3, 1895, and was published in 1896, took time during Victorian Era. This play is dominated by political corruption, which is a popular problem at that time. One of the characters do corruption in his earlier career, due to how corruption reign during 18th century. According to An Ideal Husband’s play, political corruption has been done by Sir Robert Chiltern on his youth. He did corruption with Baron Arnheim, his old friend and also Mrs. Cheveley’s friend. This is seen in a conversation between Sir Robert Chiltern and Mrs. Cheveley in Act 1 Scene 2. In that conversation, Mrs. Cheveley threatened him by telling that he has done corruption with Baron on his youth. This situation showed that in Sir Robert Chiltern’s youth, the level of coruption was high. Many politicians did that “dirty work” to aim higher position. They also held politician parties for lord or aristocracy, but not for long.
Queen Victoria leaded the British Empire for 63 years who had such an influence on the culture and politics of her day. In this era many social problems happened. After her death, her son Edward took over, leading the British Empire in Edwardian Age which promised to be equally glittery, but less repressed. In Edwardian Era is the heart of a great global empire, the center of finance and trade and the center of culture and power. At the end of Victorian Era, signed by the death of Queen Victoria, the ambition for gaining higher position of politics has a less which influence people to have no corruption in their career. This case also influenced the play that has been written by Oscar Wilde. In An Ideal Husband’s play, this situation is seen when Mrs. Cheveley offered Sir Robert Chiltern to do corruption together. But, Robert Chiltern denied her offer. He didn't want to do corruption again. His wife, Lady Chiltern also stopped his action and asked him to denied Mrs. Cheveley’s offer and she also forgave all of his corruption in the past. This situation showed that corruption decreased in the end of 19th Century.  

Pic Source:

(15020154031) Jamiatus Soleha
(15020154025) Marini Saraswati
(15020154023) Ananda Dwi Rahma

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