Thursday, March 16, 2017

A Woman's Place in 19th Victorian Age

We have similarities point of how the significant women position between in the Victorian era (1895) and in the play. The point that we could see by the context of this play.
In the story of An Ideal Husband we look at the women in that time in the 19th century.  In The era of nineteenth century is often called the Victorian age, because it relates with the name of England’s Queen who ruled the country in that time. It was an age where the impact of the industrial revolution caused a differentiation between the gender roles.  That is Men were thought suited to the public world, while women to the private. Women in this era or were thought to be purer, and morally superior to men, should work in home, taking care of home. They could be educated or study and, they can help their husband career in home like Lady Chiltren was act on the story to her husband Sir Robert Chiltren. It shows in the scene 6 act 1 when Lady Chiltren supported her husband in the face of the husband's problem.
Act 1 Scene 6
LADY CHILTERN. That makes no matter. Write here. She must know at once that she has been mistaken in you—and that you are not a man to do anything base or underhand or dishonorable. Write here, Robert. Write that you decline to support this scheme of hers, as you hold it to be a dishonest scheme. Yes—write the word dishonest. She knows what that word means. [SIR ROBERT CHILTERN sits down and writes a letter. His wife takes it up and reads it.] Yes; that will do. [Rings bell.] And now the envelope. [He writes the envelope slowly. Enter MASON.] Have this letter sent at once to Claridge’s Hotel. There is no answer. [Exit MASON. LADY CHILTERN kneels down beside her husband, and puts her arms around him.] Oh, Robert, I feel tonight that I have saved you from something. You have brought into the political life of our time a nobler atmosphere—I know it, and for that I love you.
This is how lady Lady Chiltren always maintain the dignity of her husband or morally superior to men.
Act 2 Scene 4
MRS. CHEVELEY [With a bitter laugh.] In this world like meets with like. It is because your husband is himself fraudulent and dishonest that we pair so well together. Between you and him there are chasms. But he and I are closer than friends. We are enemies linked together. The same sin binds us.
LADY CHILTERN. How dare you class my husband with yourself? Leave my house!
(15020154036) Anita Firdausi
(15020154038) Idha Nuraida Havina

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